About (E)2 Photography

Hi my name is Evan Ehat (E)2 Photography and I've been taking photographs for the better part my  life. Or maybe I should say because of photography my life is better. I remember when I was a young teenager, I was looking through an old photo album of my dads and I turned the page and saw this photo of my grandpa standing in a field holding the sun in his hand.  This photo perked my interest and facinated me that I sat their and wondered; "How did he do that"; "I want to know how to do that". This one photo got me interested in photography. I started taking photo classes in school and a couple of years later I bought my first SLR camera. 

Fast forward a lot of years, I won't say how long, I'm a professional landscape photographer and I try to sell my photos here on my website. Please take a look around and scroll through my prints.
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